Annual TB Symptoms Review

Date of Birth
Date Form Completed

Medical History and Risk Factor Review:

Most recent TB skin test:
Read as:
Since your last TB skin test have you entered a TB isolation room or had exposure to a known case of TB?
Since your last TB skin test have you lived with or had close contact with someone who has TB disease?
Since your last TB skin test have you traveled and/or lived overseas?
Since your last TB skin test have you worked in a prison or homeless shelter?
Since your last TB skin test have you had an abnormal CXR?
Since your last TB skin test have you been told by a health practitioner that your immune system is suppressed or compromised? (This may affect the results of your test)
HIV infection and other medical conditions may cause a TB skin test to be negative even when TB infection is present.

Sign and Symptom Review

Since your last TB skin test have you experienced any of the following symptoms for more than three weeks at a time? (Please select yes or no)
Excessive sweating at night
Excessive weight loss
Persistent coughing
Coughing up blood
Persistent fever
Excessive fatigue